From Hospitalières convent to Hôtel Le Champlain
After the siege by Richelieu (1627-1628), La Rochelle reopened its doors to Catholicism. King Louis XIII ordered nuns to take over the Hospitalières, located between rue Rambaud and rue Saintes Claires, a site that comprised a convent, hospital and gardens. But by the end of the 18th century, the city had expelled the Hospitalières sisters and acquired the convent site which served as a fairground until the early 19th century. In the middle of that century, part of the convent was bought by a prominent citizen who converted it into a town house.
Nowadays, Hôtel Le Champlain and its French formal garden occupy the former convent building.

Three centuries, three generations, three hoteliers
Marie-Hélène and Henri Brisson bought the town house in 1942. A few years later, in 1948, they extended the building and transformed it into a hotel in the heart of La Rochelle. The hotel was named Le Champlain by Marie-Hélène Brisson in honour of the explorer Samuel de Champlain, a famous figure in the history of the Charente-Maritime department, renowned for his pioneering nature and visionary attitude.
The hotel was taken over in the 1980s by their only daughter, Christiane Jouineau, who cherished the heritage and cultivated exquisite taste and hospitality. Christiane’s daughter Anne Jouineau has ensured family continuity since 2005, guiding the hotel into the 21st century and installing all the facilities that today’s guests expect in a modern hotel while championing a high-quality personalised service.
Une nouvelle ère
Le Groupe Turenne Hôtellerie, émerveillé par le potentiel de cet hôtel emblématique de La Rochelle empreint d’histoire, décide de racheter Le Champlain.
Des travaux d’embellissement sont réalisés, modernisant la demeure tout en conservant son caractère et son authenticité.
Le Champlain poursuit désormais son développement en renforçant notamment ses partenariats avec des entreprises locales.